Can I Finish High School While Pregnant?


Avail NYC exists to be a safe haven for women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or seeking support after an abortion. We are not a medical provider. 


The answer to this question is a resounding “Yes.” If you recently discovered that you are unexpectedly pregnant, you may be doubting whether it’s possible to complete high school or even whether you need to throw out all of your academic ambitions altogether. Read on to learn about some options available for student parents in NYC, giving you the opportunity to achieve academic success starting with your high school diploma.

So, Where Should You Begin?

Understandably, you might question whether staying in school is the right choice. You may wonder what people will think or question whether you can handle the workload or emotional stress.

1. Join or Establish a Pregnancy Support Group

A robust support system is critical to getting through high school while pregnant. Everyone needs someone to turn to on difficult days; you can expect a few during or after your pregnancy. The right support system can also give you a helping hand on those days when you need one, like tutoring and babysitting, so you can take that big test.

Where can you turn for support? Family is often the first place to look. Choose the most likely to be positive about your choices and ask them to help. After family, turn to your friends. There may even be a few mothers in that group, and you can support one another.

Talk to the professionals at the school that can offer help, too. For example, your guidance counselor is a practical choice. In addition, some larger schools may have a department or administrator designed to give pregnant high school students support.

Look to your community, as well. Organizations may help teen mothers with things like tutoring, medical care, and even housing and supplies.

2. Make a Plan and Then Stick to It

Write a to-do list for yourself to keep you moving in the right direction. For instance:

  • I will see the school counselor learn about support services for pregnant high school students.
  • I will find a support group for pregnant teens at the school or within the community.
  • I will look into local services to see what academic and financial support options are available.
  • I will make an appointment with my doctor and care for myself properly during my pregnancy.

Creating a plan not only works as a motivational guide for you. It also shows your commitment to making things suitable for you and your baby.

3. Find and Utilize Student-Parent Programs and Resources

An unexpected pregnancy does not have to get in the way of your academic journey, especially in today’s digital world. Consider some tips that will help you meet your academic goals even if you are pregnant in high school.

Your first step should be to learn what programs are available to help you finish school, and then create a plan.

New York City already has some programs in place to assist student parents. One program, Living for the Young Family through Education (LYFE), is focused on supporting student parents’ transition into parenthood by providing high-quality early childhood education, supportive counseling, academic guidance and advocacy services, all while keeping you on track to graduate or achieve a high school diploma equivalent. Enrolling in LYFE can be a simple process, and doing so as soon as you learn you’re pregnant can ensure you’re well-prepared for the changes that await you.

The NYC Department of Education’s Referral Centers for High School Alternatives can help pregnant students or student parents who are being bullied, who are having academic issues or are otherwise facing problems in their home school and who want to transfer to a different school or take a semester off before returning. They can help students make a personal education and career plan by assessing their academic and social needs and linking them to the best options matched to their needs.

You could also decide to end this stage of your academic career early by getting your GED. This high school equivalency test gives you a way to get your diploma without completing school.

Consider Alternative Education Methods

There are other ways to earn your high school diploma than attending a school that may or may not offer you the best support. For example, consider looking at nontraditional learning opportunities such as virtual high school.

That would give you more flexibility and help keep you comfortable during pregnancy. Many digital programs are free, too, so there would not be a significant cost for you.

Going to virtual high school might sound lonely, but these schools offer individualized attention, a diverse course selection, and interactive learning – all while you rest and relax at home. They can also help with college prep if you decide you want to continue your education after you graduate.

Understand Your Rights

Schools have an obligation under Title IX to support you during this time if they receive federal funds. Title IX states that schools can not discriminate against you based on gender, including pregnancy.

If you are not sure who your school counselor is, ask. Under this law, schools must assign someone to help you navigate the challenges of your pregnancy. You have the right to attend classes and take part in extracurricular activities. You still have an opportunity for advanced placement classes and honors. If you need to leave school to give birth or because of complications and can’t attend online, Title IX allows you to return at the same level as when you left.

When in Doubt, Remember You Have Options

Becoming unexpectedly pregnant can turn your world upside down, and you may be wondering where to turn for support. Whether you’re interested in taking a free, self-administered pregnancy test, want to think through your options in a supportive, confidential environment, or are looking for pregnancy support services, Avail NYC can provide you with the services and support you need. Contact us today to hear more about our free, confidential services that can help you make a confident decision about your future.

Make an Appointment


Avail NYC exists to be a safe haven for women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or seeking support after an abortion. We are not a medical provider. 


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Avail NYC provides free, compassionate support for women and men navigating unexpected pregnancies or seeking support after an abortion. Our trained Personal Advocates offer a safe, confidential space online or in-person to process emotions and explore options. Equipping clients with personalized coping strategies and resources, we empower them to move forward with confidence at their own pace. Avail NYC is not a medical provider. To learn more or meet with a personal advocate, visit Avail NYC.
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