What to Expect

Understanding what support looks like at Avail NYC.

Talking about something deeply personal can feel daunting. At Avail NYC, we are committed to creating a supportive, stress-free experience from the moment you decide to reach out.

Avail is not a medical provider or political. We are committed to providing personalized support that keeps you at the heart of your own story, and empowers you to take the best next step.

Here’s a guide to what you can expect when you decide to book an appointment with one of our personal advocates.

Making an appointment

We support both women and men, offering a number of programs to fit your needs. When booking an appointment, you are in control of selecting the best care path to fit you and your situation.

You can easily select a time and day that fits your schedule through our confidential online system. We’ll then match you with your personal advocate, who is a compassionate expert who is committed to listening and journeying with you.

You’ll only need to provide a name, email, and phone number so that we can confirm your appointment. We value and protect your privacy, and will never share your information. 

Before your first appointment

Your advocate is ready to receive you exactly as you are, and will not expect you to have prepared anything at all. You are in control of what you talk about with your advocate, and their goal is to support you in what matters to you. We know it takes courage to share your story with someone. 

If you are feeling nervous leading up to your appointment, here are some things that might help.

  • Practice Self-Care: Managing your stress levels, lightening your mental load, and giving your body what it needs to stay healthy are important parts of any journey. Learn more about how to practice self-care during an unexpected pregnancy or after an abortion experience
  • Come with Company: Think about anyone you'd like to be present with you during the appointment. You may want to be alone, or you may want someone–maybe your partner–with you. If you’d like to bring along your partner,  please let Avail know and we will make sure a male advocate is available.

The day of your appointment

The day of your appointment is all about you – simply showing up is where your responsibility ends, and ours begins. You decide how you want to talk with us, whether virtual or in person, and your comfort is our priority.

Our Midtown Manhattan office offers a peaceful, professional atmosphere with hot tea and candies for you to enjoy after a brief check-in. For virtual visits, we aim to create a similar welcoming environment. Whether you’re nestled in your favorite chair at home, taking a peaceful walk, or sitting in your car, what matters most is your comfort. We understand you might not always be in a space where you can talk openly, so know that you have the option to turn off your camera or chat with your advocate on the call to let them know what you need. 

During your appointment

Your advocate will begin with gentle check-ins, asking questions like, “How are you feeling today?” and “What brought you to Avail?” This 45-minute appointment is completely yours to share as much or as little as you’d like in a safe, confidential space.

We encourage you to express yourself in whatever ways feel right for you. Our advocates are trained to navigate conversations with care, making sure that you lead the way. Whether you choose to speak at length or prefer to listen, the aim is to empower you with understanding, coping strategies, and resources tailored to your unique journey. 

After your appointment

Taking this step takes a lot of courage, and we hope you’ll feel proud of the strength you’ve shown! But, it's also perfectly normal to have mixed feelings and questions after your appointment. You'll leave equipped with practical next steps, resources, and, if you wish, follow-up appointments scheduled. Remember, this conversation is just one part of your journey.

Scheduling follow up appointments

Deciding on further appointments is entirely up to you. Whether you schedule a follow-up during your first appointment or later, we are here to support you at your pace.

Continued support

We’ll discuss continued support options, ensuring you have access to the resources you need.

We’re here to support you every step of the way, whether through additional appointments, connecting with community resources, or just being available for a chat.

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